Ok so I have Hillsongs, When I think about the Lord just stuck in my head. It just keeps playing and playing.
Artist: Hillsongs Australia
Song: When I think about the Lord
When I Think about the Lord,
How He saved me, how He raised me,
how He filled me, with the Holy Ghost.
How He healed me, to the uttermost.
When I Think about the Lord,
how He picked me up and turned me around,
how He placed my feet on solid ground
It makes me wanna shout,
Thank you JESUS,
LORD, your worthy, of all the glory, and all the honor,
and all the praise.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
CSUN Gospel Choir
Alright so I don't want my blog to be about all videos but as of late I have been feeling real private with my thoughts. Not wanting to share too much and give away more than is necessary for people to know. I will be posting things real soon but as for now I'm just thinking. I'm just pondering all that is and all that was. Anywho in all my pondering of the past I ran across this video of the CSUN Gospel Choir. A group that had a large impact on my life during college, not that college was so long ago but this video reminded me of that time in my life. How I felt & What I was going through and where I am now. All I can do is Thank God! I'm not who I used to be and even the good things he was blessing me with then, he has added to that more and more so I am just Thankful for what the Lord is doing in and through me. He is so awesome. So as you watch this video I hope that you are blessed. I hope that you are touched and I hope you remember where you were and where you are and how those two places differ and more importantly I hope that you see room in your life where God can do more and definitely move you to a new place in HIM. Well with that said...ENJOY!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Broken heart of mine be not deceived by what you see. For it is only temporal in its status lasting no longer than its purpose allows. It is so much more than know. Learning how not to be swayed by your emotions is a difficult thing I am learning. I'm getting better at it though.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Theater is ALIVE in LA!

Get your tickets on It's My Seat
Tell a friend!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sharing to share
Have you ever wanted a do-over? Do you remember playing handball against those huge blue walls in the middle of the black top, calling out things like white magic, black magic, rainbows, bubbles or pops? Well I do! And I especially remember making a slip up which I wouldn't admit then but in retrospect was all my doing but trying to get over on my opponents I'd ask for a do-over. Does anyone feel me this morning? Well in all my flesh, I slipped up. Not super bad(no pun intended but if it's there, laugh a little) but anywho I just lost track of my goal, my desire, I guess my purpose or you could even say that I lost heart. Something so simple yet I refused to do it. I don't have to say what it is, fill in the blank for your own life. With that said I just asked God for a redo or a do-over. I wanted another chance to try to pass the test. So I guess this morning I'm just saying Thanks for the Do-over.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Art of Waiting: Lord Make Me a Servant
There's something to be said about a waiter. I mean it's a decent occupation. It brings money into the house but I mean it's such a lowly position. I mean think about it, depending on where you go, there is a host/hostess at most restaurants. Some one who stands at the door and greets you. They welcome you into the restaurant and essentially set the tone for the evening or morning you will experience at their restaurant. Then after they have seated you, if you have a good waiter before you can even look at the menus he or she is over at your table or booth inquiring about your drink orders and telling you about the House Special probably something grilled over a bed of rice with way more garnish than meat but of course you listen to be polite and then rumble off your drink orders. Pretty soon your waiter (or some places even call them servers) whisks away to get your drinks. They may ask you if you are ready to order but chances are you may not be, depending on your appetite or familiarity with the restaurant. So they will continue to check in on you until you are ready and depending on how picky you are when you are ready to order then the server will undergo a series of questions about the menu, and it's entrees. You may ask, is the chicken spicy? Can I have the House Special with no onions? Is it possible to have the steak cooked medium-well with crisp edges? And by the end of it all you have ordered a completely different item then when you first began to order. Then after he or she takes your menus, they may come back and drop some bread or chips and salsa on the table to keep you at bay. All the while refilling your beverages. Waiting on you while you are waiting. I mean the occupation of waiting is truly a selfless task. You do all this running and waiting and asking all so that someone else can benefit from your service and OK yes you are getting paid to do it and there may be a fat tip involved but for the most part you are waiting on people and serving them.
Now I'm not a waitress but I was in high school. I waited and bussed tables and let me tell you that it has its up days and its down days. But can I tell you this?
Waiting on a Mate
Whew...lol...this is something I know absolutely nothing about but boy am I learning. See I guess growing up I thought that you had control over your life. Well hang on let me try that again. I guess growing up I thought I had control over my life. I thought my life was my own, blah blah blah (cry me a river) but anywho as I began to grow I began to see that I didn't. See for some reason I thought I would take a long time to finish school. Finished 3 years earlier than planned. Then I thought that as soon as you are done with school you just work the job you want. You decide on it, apply and BAM it's yours...OK soooo yeah that's not true. And all while doing this I thought you met the man of your dreams and get married and have lots of babies, OK so yeah...Where is He at?LOL...but now seriously. That's what I thought now granted this was 10 years ago but that's what I thought happened until I met CHRIST. Boy did that change things. So now I'm learning that waiting on a mate is about serving. It's about serving Christ with my all. It's about really letting go of what I knew...for example, my plan to be done with school at 24, married, and working a dream job and maybe having a bun in the oven. Oh yeah did I mention I want like 14 kids (7 by me, 7 by adoption...I know but if I have the money and provision and blessing from God) Anywho so this waiting thing is about serving. So now I have to renew my mind because of course I thought receiving a mate really meant that I was seeking a mate. However I am the woman so that can't be right. Now I am serving instead of receiving...hmmm what does that look like. Waiting on a mate is essentially waiting on God whether you are the male or the female. One if you are the male yes it is your job to approach and pursue and court the woman but if God hasn't given you the go ahead you could be wasting your time. So waiting on God is a must in that situation and ladies please don't get it twisted, it's your job to wait on God as well. You will have to wait on God to know how to respond when a man does approach you. Is it really God?
Waiting on Glory
I think waiting on a mate is similar to waiting for God's Glory to be revealed. God's Glory being Jesus the son of man. It's something that we spend our whole lives looking forward to. The glorious day when Jesus comes back to get those he loves and those who love him. Waiting has a lot to do with preparation. Pastor Dre, a co-pastor at my church Hope's House preached about the gap/time/space that exists between the promise and the actual possession or manifestation of that promise using the example of Abraham and the promise God made to him to make him the father of many nations when he was old and his wife still barren. It's a perfect example of a situation where God said something was to take place but there still needed to be time before he could fulfill or make good on his word. Preparation is what needed to occur if you ask me. We want to go to Glory but we aren't ready and frankly we still need to spread the Good News. It's an individual issue with a group effort. We each are responsible for our own lives and walks but collectively we need to unite and prepare ourselves for his coming again.
Waiting in the midst of a Storm
I think the latter of the last section is important for a time such as now. We are dealing with such scary times financially. We've known for years that our motto or slogan on our currency wasn't true. IN GOD WE TRUST, no offense but I believe that we (Americans) trust God as far as we can throw him, and if you haven't noticed no man has seen God in all his greatness and fullness's so yeah...you get it. But if that's what we believe then why are times proving that our hope was really in the almighty dollar and not in God. If that's what we believe then why is there no prayer in school? Hmmmm makes you think or at least it makes me think. But more importantly if we were to prepare ourselves collectively for the group effort then I think that would make things easier for us during the storm. In the midst of it all, waiting wouldn't seem so hard. Waiting wouldn't seem like a pain or a punishment. It would seem like waiting. Nothing is wrong, God's not mad, you're just waiting.
Now I'm not a waitress but I was in high school. I waited and bussed tables and let me tell you that it has its up days and its down days. But can I tell you this?
It pays off, it is what it is but like anything you grow, you learn and I guess by now you get that I'm not talking about becoming professional waiters or servers but maybe eternal waiters and servers.
Waiting on a Mate
Whew...lol...this is something I know absolutely nothing about but boy am I learning. See I guess growing up I thought that you had control over your life. Well hang on let me try that again. I guess growing up I thought I had control over my life. I thought my life was my own, blah blah blah (cry me a river) but anywho as I began to grow I began to see that I didn't. See for some reason I thought I would take a long time to finish school. Finished 3 years earlier than planned. Then I thought that as soon as you are done with school you just work the job you want. You decide on it, apply and BAM it's yours...OK soooo yeah that's not true. And all while doing this I thought you met the man of your dreams and get married and have lots of babies, OK so yeah...Where is He at?LOL...but now seriously. That's what I thought now granted this was 10 years ago but that's what I thought happened until I met CHRIST. Boy did that change things. So now I'm learning that waiting on a mate is about serving. It's about serving Christ with my all. It's about really letting go of what I knew...for example, my plan to be done with school at 24, married, and working a dream job and maybe having a bun in the oven. Oh yeah did I mention I want like 14 kids (7 by me, 7 by adoption...I know but if I have the money and provision and blessing from God) Anywho so this waiting thing is about serving. So now I have to renew my mind because of course I thought receiving a mate really meant that I was seeking a mate. However I am the woman so that can't be right. Now I am serving instead of receiving...hmmm what does that look like. Waiting on a mate is essentially waiting on God whether you are the male or the female. One if you are the male yes it is your job to approach and pursue and court the woman but if God hasn't given you the go ahead you could be wasting your time. So waiting on God is a must in that situation and ladies please don't get it twisted, it's your job to wait on God as well. You will have to wait on God to know how to respond when a man does approach you. Is it really God?
Waiting on Glory
I think waiting on a mate is similar to waiting for God's Glory to be revealed. God's Glory being Jesus the son of man. It's something that we spend our whole lives looking forward to. The glorious day when Jesus comes back to get those he loves and those who love him. Waiting has a lot to do with preparation. Pastor Dre, a co-pastor at my church Hope's House preached about the gap/time/space that exists between the promise and the actual possession or manifestation of that promise using the example of Abraham and the promise God made to him to make him the father of many nations when he was old and his wife still barren. It's a perfect example of a situation where God said something was to take place but there still needed to be time before he could fulfill or make good on his word. Preparation is what needed to occur if you ask me. We want to go to Glory but we aren't ready and frankly we still need to spread the Good News. It's an individual issue with a group effort. We each are responsible for our own lives and walks but collectively we need to unite and prepare ourselves for his coming again.
Waiting in the midst of a Storm
I think the latter of the last section is important for a time such as now. We are dealing with such scary times financially. We've known for years that our motto or slogan on our currency wasn't true. IN GOD WE TRUST, no offense but I believe that we (Americans) trust God as far as we can throw him, and if you haven't noticed no man has seen God in all his greatness and fullness's so yeah...you get it. But if that's what we believe then why are times proving that our hope was really in the almighty dollar and not in God. If that's what we believe then why is there no prayer in school? Hmmmm makes you think or at least it makes me think. But more importantly if we were to prepare ourselves collectively for the group effort then I think that would make things easier for us during the storm. In the midst of it all, waiting wouldn't seem so hard. Waiting wouldn't seem like a pain or a punishment. It would seem like waiting. Nothing is wrong, God's not mad, you're just waiting.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Back by popular Demand
No it's not a DJ with another mixtape or another mindless television program meant to rot your brain but it's me. The one, the only...lol...I'm soooooo just kidding. No but for real people have been asking me to update my blog so I thought I'd just share some things running through my mind.
I guess it's safe to say that when you declare something that you'd better be good and ready to back it up. That if you are going to be about something that well by gosh jolly gee willagers better be ready to defend it! So again not for the first and definitely not for the last time.
I guess it's safe to say that when you declare something that you'd better be good and ready to back it up. That if you are going to be about something that well by gosh jolly gee willagers better be ready to defend it! So again not for the first and definitely not for the last time.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I'm Just So...
...thankful to be alive. Thankful to be living. Happy to be here. Even though my life is way different than I planned it to be I know that it's exactly where God has planned for me to be. Lately I've been learning that to be discontent with the temporary means that I have a lack of understanding of who my heavenly father is. I say that because if things are not going your way and you are upset about it and you are praying and worshiping your way through it and nothing is changing. God may be trying to tell you something. Trust and believe I'm not trying to be spooky but if you are single and discontent and mad that every time you try to hook up with someone that it does not work then you may be discontent with God's plan for your life right. Please understand that I am speaking about my personal experience and what's going on with me and in no way shape or form is this blog absolute. It's just my opinion and what I'm living and what I know to be true. Anywho I'm coming to understand that there is a reason for everything even the bad things that may have happened in your life. God knows about them. He saw them. He may have even planned for them to happen because he knew that they would make you into the individual that you are in. I'm not saying to thank God for crazy things, like Thank you Lord that I was robbed and beat or raped. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying Thank God in all seasons. Do not draw away from Him when you are hurt and you think that He is responsible. If anything confront him, pour out your heart and soul to Him because unlike the people in your life who are human, God's not going run or lie (He's not the son of man that he should lie or have to repent, lowkey I know it's in the bible but too lazy to run to biblegateway.com right now to get the address of the scripture) but anywho I'm learning that when I open my heart and life up to God that I am giving Him an open invitation to infiltrate my life in however he sees fit. Which means how he see fit may not match up to how I see fit. See how I see fit may be God blessing me with a promotion with a fat raise at my job, as well as bless me with some extra checks in the mail to pay off my credit debt and car loan, and bless me with a boo(not just a boo but a husband who I'd call my boo forever), my own place, a fly new wardrobe, etc, etc, etc. And the whole time God is like nope, press. Let's press for my presence...how about I build your character so that I can send you into the nations. Yes Amber those things that you desire are great but there is a time and place for all things and right now I want to work in you. I want to develop you more. You are the woman that I created you to be but there is more that I require of you as well as more that I want to do in your life. But if you let me in, I promise you that I will do the work if you let me in to do the work.
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